Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Marneus Calgar

Is Marneus Calgar up to the job?

With his massive 275 points base you really need to look at what you are going to do with him. You can add the terminator for 10 points. The armor is worth ever point. It is the only terminator armour that can sweeping advance and includes a teleport homer so you could drop in all kinds of good stuff. He as a great warlord trait, you roll three times and pick the one you want. I have found that using the book basic traits work the best. He is the only Eternal warrior base in the book. You can buy the shield eternal to make any non character hq have eternal warrior but you points are better spent somewhere else. God of War is where Calgar makes some real money. Being able to fail any morale check and then running added with the fact that if you lose the (I) check And They Shall Know No Fear rule just puts you back into combat is great. Orbital Bombardment I really don’t use that much I guess its ok but the max 2d6 scatter always lands on my own guys. Titanic Might is re-rolls failed armour penetration in close combat its ok but you have to get there first.

Now I’m a fluff player so I like running Calgar with Honour Guard in a storm raven across the table and seeing how much of the enemy line I can get. But that’s not really good for tournament play. For the hardcore player I don’t see you taking Calgar. He’s a big points drop and you can get a better hq for less points.


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